Are you looking for a “reset” to who you truly are without negative thought forms, rips and tears in your etheric body, entities, dark forces or ghosts in your home? Do you want to be restored as near as possible to your “original blueprint?” Remove the crud from your filters and head lights? Get your energy centers or chakra’s, meridians and energy body back into alignment? Would you like the very same done for a spouse, loved one or a child who clearly seems to have changed significantly in a way that is obviously detrimental to themselves and your relationship?
Cosmic Shaman offers such a service where unbeknownst to a loved one work can be done in such a way as to alleviate and remove negativity, dark energy, entities, negative thought forms and possession from powerful dark forces. This work is done remotely and a report of all findings are provided. This work is based on my mentor John Livingston’s teachings who trained me thoroughly in removing energetic “enemies amongst us.” This session includes a complete clearing and cleansing of the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies in addition to a healing. The home and land are cleared as well. If this sounds like something you could benefit from text me at 928.399.6143 or email me at You will not be disappointed.